Q. What would be a square foot price for renovating or building my new home?
A. This is a difficult question to answer without understanding your particular situation. Various factors including location, structural and design detail and level of finishes, to mention a few, are all necessary to take into consideration when determining approximate range of cost per square foot.
Q. Can I use any of my own trades?
A. Depending on how the contract is structured and if trades are reputable professionals, with WCB coverage as well as Liability insurance, yes.
Q. Should I have a written contract?
A. A detailed written contract between you and the contractor you hire is essential to any project, no matter its size. Even the smallest job should be put in writing.
A written contract constitutes a binding legal agreement between you and your contractor. It points out the responsibilities and rights of both parties and ensures there is a clear record of the agreement between you and the contractor.
Q. Can I live in my home during the renovation?
A. Many of our renovations customers have been accommodated in this request and were able to live in their home during their reno project. However, it will depend on the size and scope of your renovation. For example, most customers can continue living at home during a basement renovation but during certain phases of your reno you may wish to leave your home (i.e. demolition phase), for your own comfort.
Q. Can the business continue operating during the renovation?
A. Obviously it is not practical to ask a business which is dealing with the public on a daily basis to completely shut their doors for weeks simply for the contractor’s convenience. In most cases the renovation work can be done after hours, evenings and weekends to accommodate a business. However the office must be prepared to operate in less than “perfect conditions”. However depending on the extent of the renovation the office may have to be prepared to close for a few days at a time, or schedule the work during yearly vacation shut down. This is something we are prepared to discuss and work around.